Sunday, April 26, 2009

toxicity and human health #2

"Recognize Toxic Chemicals in Body Care Products"
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
by: Jo Hartley

Summary: "Often the ingredient lists on these "natural" products contain chemicals that are unrecognizable and unfamiliar to most people." This article is about recognizing toxic chemicals in everyday products.

"Almost every synthetic chemical that exists has a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that contains the facts about the chemical as well as any potential dangers associated with human health." The article also states that "The MSDS lists a summary of the facts for each chemical and summarizes other facts such as hazard identification, first aid instructions, exposure limits, and other names that are associated with the specific chemical." This is very scary to think about because I read ingredients on labels all the time and I have no idea what they are. Most people including myself think nothing of it at the time and proceed to use that product but what are we really putting in our bodies? Is this going to affect our health compared to other generations? Maybe our sophistication in evolution is actually going to harm us we need such advancements in medicine and technology to keep up with the bad things we do to ourselves that other eras of people did not!

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