Sunday, April 26, 2009

toxicity and human health #2

"Recognize Toxic Chemicals in Body Care Products"
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
by: Jo Hartley

Summary: "Often the ingredient lists on these "natural" products contain chemicals that are unrecognizable and unfamiliar to most people." This article is about recognizing toxic chemicals in everyday products.

"Almost every synthetic chemical that exists has a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that contains the facts about the chemical as well as any potential dangers associated with human health." The article also states that "The MSDS lists a summary of the facts for each chemical and summarizes other facts such as hazard identification, first aid instructions, exposure limits, and other names that are associated with the specific chemical." This is very scary to think about because I read ingredients on labels all the time and I have no idea what they are. Most people including myself think nothing of it at the time and proceed to use that product but what are we really putting in our bodies? Is this going to affect our health compared to other generations? Maybe our sophistication in evolution is actually going to harm us we need such advancements in medicine and technology to keep up with the bad things we do to ourselves that other eras of people did not!

Toxicity and human health #1

"Take Ten Steps for a Cancer-Free Life"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
by: Barbara Minton

Summary: "Cancer will be the number one killer in the world by the year 2010, overtaking the spot now held by heart disease, according to a recent report from Associated Press." This article is about toxins that are causing cancer today.

To reduce these cancer risks it is important to make high quality food a priority with less chemicals enhancements. Also avoiding over the counter drugs when unnesicary and keeping hormones at a balanced level. "When the body is chemicalized, the immune system is so busy dealing with the toxic chemical onslaught that it cannot do the jobs it was meant to do. One job of the immune system is to make sure the cancerous cells produced by the body every day are identified and eliminated before they can turn into a full blown cancer." This effects many familys because food that the consume on a regular basis may not be the most healthy option. Our society has become very focused on fast pace life style so competition has driven chemicals into a popular "advantage".

Sunday, April 5, 2009

factory farming 2 (week 2)

"Death On A Factory Farm Debuts on HBO "
April 1, 2009
By: Jennifer Merin

Summary:A documentary was create that shows how livestock are often treated in the United States.

"The film Death On A Factory Farm is a documentary about the treatment of livestock in the United States, where virtually no federal laws regulate conditions in which food animals are bred, raised and slaughtered--and economic efficiency is the prevailing consideration in self-governance." It is a huge humane society alert that will help make everyday people more aware of the behaviors and events that occur on farms that they are unaware of. The movie contains clips of investigations that lead to court cases for farmers. The producers claim it may be hard to watch because it holds many disturbing yet real ideas. This may effect many people by educating them on facts that are kept on the down low by the agricultural businesses.

factory farming 1 (week 2)

"Antibiotics: Misused on factor farms"
April 1st, 2009

Summary: A very large percentage of antibiotics are used on animals and this may be obusing the power of the drugs.

"according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, an estimated 70% of antibiotics in the U.S. are used on animals". Dr. Jay Graham was a researcher at the john hopkins center for a livable future and in 2009 he found evidence that drug resistant bacteria was widespread in americas industrial farms.The antibiotics are used for short term gains but have long term effects. Its not used for healing sick animals but instead to promote growth and improve production which would allow farmers to make more money. This may harm my family and I because it may make animals resistant to certain problems that affect me when i consume the products we get from the animal. Also it unatural and unhealthy.