Sunday, April 5, 2009

factory farming 2 (week 2)

"Death On A Factory Farm Debuts on HBO "
April 1, 2009
By: Jennifer Merin

Summary:A documentary was create that shows how livestock are often treated in the United States.

"The film Death On A Factory Farm is a documentary about the treatment of livestock in the United States, where virtually no federal laws regulate conditions in which food animals are bred, raised and slaughtered--and economic efficiency is the prevailing consideration in self-governance." It is a huge humane society alert that will help make everyday people more aware of the behaviors and events that occur on farms that they are unaware of. The movie contains clips of investigations that lead to court cases for farmers. The producers claim it may be hard to watch because it holds many disturbing yet real ideas. This may effect many people by educating them on facts that are kept on the down low by the agricultural businesses.

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