Sunday, May 17, 2009

aquatic blog 1

"How climate change is hurting lakes"
Apr 21, 2009

Summary: Reports on Ontario's water quality shows climate change is impacting northern lakes.

The water quality is lengthening the ice-free season and potentially disrupting the lakes ecosystems."The Water Quality in Ontario 2008 Report examines the effect of phosphorus enrichment, toxic substances, acid deposition and climate change on provincial lakes and rivers." The climate change is making the ice-free season in the Lake increase by four weeks since the mid-1960s, leading to increased algae growth. Algae are the base of aquatic food webs and changes may have cascading effects to "higher levels of the food web". The aquatic system plays an affecet on many society's. Of lower parts of the food chain die off it will take a toll on other species moving up the chain and eventually affect humans aswell.

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