Sunday, March 22, 2009


"Australian state approves US$2.8 bn port project"
March 20,2009

Summary: Western Australia signed off on a $4 billion rail and port project on Friday, aimed at boosting exports and helping the development of new mining areas

"Construction on the project is set to start in 2010-11 with exports from 2013-14. The port could eventually ship up to 45Mt."MAny countries will beifit from this iron-ore rich project.(especially China). Prices started rising Sometime in 2002 for iron-ore when it became a more needed element. This may benefit me because in some way it may change the economy which is looking pretty poor currently but i doubt it.I'm not sure how in demand steel or metal is currently. The mining may harm people in accidents and such. It would be a scary job!$2.8-bln-port-project

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