Sunday, March 29, 2009

factory farming

"factory farming environmental impact"
unknown author

Summary: To much animal agriculture depletes natural recources. It also causes waste, and the poor practice has forced farmers touse lots of land. "Forests, wetlands, and other natural ecosystems and wildlife habitats have been decimated and turned into crop and grazing land. Scarce fossil fuels, groundwater, and topsoil resources which took millenium to develop are now disappearing."

There is 130 times more waste being produced by these animals than that produced by humans in the united states. "Agricultural runoff has killed millions of fish, and is the main reason why 60% of America's rivers and streams are "impaired".In states with concentrated animal agriculture, the waterways have become rife with pfiesteria bacteria." In addition to killing fish, pfiesteria causes open sores, nausea, memory loss, fatigue and disorientation in humans. Even groundwater is being contaminated. This is not good. It may effect me in the since of my water being polluted but maybe we have all of these animals because its necessary for humans to eat their products.

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