Sunday, May 17, 2009

aquatic blog 2

"Reducing Pesticide Pollution of Aquatic Ecosystems"
july 16, 2008

Summary:The 5-year research goal of the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Program addressed is to understand relationships between and among aquatic species habitats.

Every year millions of tons of pesticides are applied to soils in and around aquatic ecosystems that eventually pollute rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and municipal water supplies. "Agricultural soils are routinely sterilized with a chemical that destroys atmospheric ozone and increases the amount of ultraviolet light radiation which results in the degradation of aquatic systems." In an attempt to decrease pesticide pollution of aquatic ecosystems, a project has begun to develop to control agents to protect plants against fungal diseases. There are 3 objectives to this project. To understanding how fungi cause disease, understanding how plants that are symbiotic with certain fungi are resistant to fungal diseases, and develope an effective control system to protect plants against fungal diseases. If this project works its effectiveness could save many lifes of plants and small animals. It will also make the environment and water healthier.

aquatic blog 1

"How climate change is hurting lakes"
Apr 21, 2009

Summary: Reports on Ontario's water quality shows climate change is impacting northern lakes.

The water quality is lengthening the ice-free season and potentially disrupting the lakes ecosystems."The Water Quality in Ontario 2008 Report examines the effect of phosphorus enrichment, toxic substances, acid deposition and climate change on provincial lakes and rivers." The climate change is making the ice-free season in the Lake increase by four weeks since the mid-1960s, leading to increased algae growth. Algae are the base of aquatic food webs and changes may have cascading effects to "higher levels of the food web". The aquatic system plays an affecet on many society's. Of lower parts of the food chain die off it will take a toll on other species moving up the chain and eventually affect humans aswell.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

endangered species 2

"Quarter of the world's mammals on danger list"

Summary: "A report has revealed that at least 1,000 species are under serious threat largely due to the effects of human behavior."

The Red List of Endangered Species has announced in their latest report that over 1,000 species of mammals are at risk of extinction due to the destruction of habitats caused by hunting. After a study of 5,487 species, 1,141 were found to be at risk. This is such a high amount it is frightening. Humans are animals too you know? On day we may become the 1/5 that are endangered. This is what makes the concept of extinction so scary to me. One day the human race may be wiped out completely and never return.“Within our lifetime hundreds of species could be lost as a result of our own actions, a frightening sign of what is happening to the ecosystems where they live”.

endangered species 1

"Saving Forests from the Group Up"
May 7, 2009
By Marsha Johnston

Summary: In 2000 a Forest Health Monitoring project began. Plots were surveyed on foot rather than photographs in Kenya.This was done so harm to wildlife could be directly monitored.

"When the farmer extends his field into the forest you can see it from the air, but you can’t see if they are cutting trees out of the forest,” he says. “Not many projects look at what’s going on inside the forest, whether human impact is happening that you can’t measure from the air.” Humans impact wildlife and forests habitats way to often because they are oblivious to the fact that its occurring.
Hertel’s painstaking legwork surveying overall forest health in eastern Africa has been a critical component of proving to local communities how protecting their forest also sustains their lives. This is good because eventually the loss of habitat leads to a loss of animals which leads to losses of species and losses of food ect.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

national parks #2

"Wal-Mart vs. the Wilderness"
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summary: A long time ago land was set aside as a national military park. However, just 21 percent of the battlefield is permanently protected; other key areas are privately held and vulnerable to development. This became apparent when Wal-Mart Stores Inc. announced plans to build a 138,000-square-foot superstore on land directly across the road from the national park.

This is sad because the land was intentionally set aside for national parks and preservation not cheap stores. It just seems like there should be a different location availbe somewhere for the store to open. If this is allowed to occur here it is sure to be a popular thing all over the nation. (development taking over national park land). If that is the case there will be no more land availibity. It will also disrupt many animals lifes now instead of a forest across the street their will be lots of dangerous cars, people, and pollutants.

national parks # 1

"Coca-Cola donates money for recycling program on National Mall"
April 29, 2009
by Tierney Plumb

Summary: The Coca-Cola Co. is donating $1.1 million to revamp several U.S. national parks and to help launch a recycling program on the National Mall.

Money will support enhanced trail programs in seven national parks, which locally include George Washington Memorial Parkway. The Trust for the National Mall, the official partner of the NPS, said the comprehensive recycling and educational program for the National Mall’s 25 million annual visitors will kick off with a waste stream study.This summer, waste on the National Mall will be studied by type and volume and Coke will help formulate best practices on how to address recycling. The Coca-Cola Co. has been a national parks partner since 2007. This may help me make a choice in the coke or pepsi battle?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

toxicity and human health #2

"Recognize Toxic Chemicals in Body Care Products"
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
by: Jo Hartley

Summary: "Often the ingredient lists on these "natural" products contain chemicals that are unrecognizable and unfamiliar to most people." This article is about recognizing toxic chemicals in everyday products.

"Almost every synthetic chemical that exists has a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that contains the facts about the chemical as well as any potential dangers associated with human health." The article also states that "The MSDS lists a summary of the facts for each chemical and summarizes other facts such as hazard identification, first aid instructions, exposure limits, and other names that are associated with the specific chemical." This is very scary to think about because I read ingredients on labels all the time and I have no idea what they are. Most people including myself think nothing of it at the time and proceed to use that product but what are we really putting in our bodies? Is this going to affect our health compared to other generations? Maybe our sophistication in evolution is actually going to harm us we need such advancements in medicine and technology to keep up with the bad things we do to ourselves that other eras of people did not!

Toxicity and human health #1

"Take Ten Steps for a Cancer-Free Life"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
by: Barbara Minton

Summary: "Cancer will be the number one killer in the world by the year 2010, overtaking the spot now held by heart disease, according to a recent report from Associated Press." This article is about toxins that are causing cancer today.

To reduce these cancer risks it is important to make high quality food a priority with less chemicals enhancements. Also avoiding over the counter drugs when unnesicary and keeping hormones at a balanced level. "When the body is chemicalized, the immune system is so busy dealing with the toxic chemical onslaught that it cannot do the jobs it was meant to do. One job of the immune system is to make sure the cancerous cells produced by the body every day are identified and eliminated before they can turn into a full blown cancer." This effects many familys because food that the consume on a regular basis may not be the most healthy option. Our society has become very focused on fast pace life style so competition has driven chemicals into a popular "advantage".

Sunday, April 5, 2009

factory farming 2 (week 2)

"Death On A Factory Farm Debuts on HBO "
April 1, 2009
By: Jennifer Merin

Summary:A documentary was create that shows how livestock are often treated in the United States.

"The film Death On A Factory Farm is a documentary about the treatment of livestock in the United States, where virtually no federal laws regulate conditions in which food animals are bred, raised and slaughtered--and economic efficiency is the prevailing consideration in self-governance." It is a huge humane society alert that will help make everyday people more aware of the behaviors and events that occur on farms that they are unaware of. The movie contains clips of investigations that lead to court cases for farmers. The producers claim it may be hard to watch because it holds many disturbing yet real ideas. This may effect many people by educating them on facts that are kept on the down low by the agricultural businesses.

factory farming 1 (week 2)

"Antibiotics: Misused on factor farms"
April 1st, 2009

Summary: A very large percentage of antibiotics are used on animals and this may be obusing the power of the drugs.

"according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, an estimated 70% of antibiotics in the U.S. are used on animals". Dr. Jay Graham was a researcher at the john hopkins center for a livable future and in 2009 he found evidence that drug resistant bacteria was widespread in americas industrial farms.The antibiotics are used for short term gains but have long term effects. Its not used for healing sick animals but instead to promote growth and improve production which would allow farmers to make more money. This may harm my family and I because it may make animals resistant to certain problems that affect me when i consume the products we get from the animal. Also it unatural and unhealthy.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

factory farming 2

"factory farming dairy production"
unknown author

Summary: Some dairy cows are forced to have a calf every year. "Like human beings, cows have a nine-month gestation period, and so giving birth every twelve months is physically demanding. The cows are also artificially re-impregnated while they are still lactating from their previous birthing, so their bodies are still producing milk during seven months of their nine-month pregnancy. With genetic manipulation and intensive production technologies, it is common for modern dairy cows to produce 100 pounds of milk a day — ten times more than they would produce naturally." As a result, the cows' bodies are under constant stress, and they are at risk for numerous health problems.

Approximately half of the country's dairy cows suffer from a bacterial infection of their udders. These cows often become so sick they cannot even stand so at early ages they are slaughtered and used for their meat. Instead of living 25 years they often only make it to about 4. Although the cows are being abused this occurs because it brings in a higher profit for farmers. This does not directly affect me but it does make me feel sad for the helpless cows.

factory farming

"factory farming environmental impact"
unknown author

Summary: To much animal agriculture depletes natural recources. It also causes waste, and the poor practice has forced farmers touse lots of land. "Forests, wetlands, and other natural ecosystems and wildlife habitats have been decimated and turned into crop and grazing land. Scarce fossil fuels, groundwater, and topsoil resources which took millenium to develop are now disappearing."

There is 130 times more waste being produced by these animals than that produced by humans in the united states. "Agricultural runoff has killed millions of fish, and is the main reason why 60% of America's rivers and streams are "impaired".In states with concentrated animal agriculture, the waterways have become rife with pfiesteria bacteria." In addition to killing fish, pfiesteria causes open sores, nausea, memory loss, fatigue and disorientation in humans. Even groundwater is being contaminated. This is not good. It may effect me in the since of my water being polluted but maybe we have all of these animals because its necessary for humans to eat their products.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

mining 2

"Sierra Leone diamond miners go for gold"
March 20, 2009

Summary: Lately miners have been turning to gold since its prices have risen.

Gold has currently become a popular item to mine for. Diamonds on the other hand are causeing companies to lose money lately. That is why some companies are hoping to mine for gold in hopes of a better profit with that."Already in 2009 we have issued 10 licenses for gold, which is a large increase on last year, and we expect to issue more." "Diamond prices have fallen 7% this year according to Polished Prices, an independent news and price list provider." Nevertheless not all diamond mining companies are making the switch. Some are just laying off workers for the time being.This is not that great of news for me. Gold is something valued from my grandmas generation. To me it is no very attractive as jewlery. Who knows maybe it will be helpful in providing people with jobs around the world.


"Australian state approves US$2.8 bn port project"
March 20,2009

Summary: Western Australia signed off on a $4 billion rail and port project on Friday, aimed at boosting exports and helping the development of new mining areas

"Construction on the project is set to start in 2010-11 with exports from 2013-14. The port could eventually ship up to 45Mt."MAny countries will beifit from this iron-ore rich project.(especially China). Prices started rising Sometime in 2002 for iron-ore when it became a more needed element. This may benefit me because in some way it may change the economy which is looking pretty poor currently but i doubt it.I'm not sure how in demand steel or metal is currently. The mining may harm people in accidents and such. It would be a scary job!$2.8-bln-port-project

Sunday, March 15, 2009

waste management 2

"Waste Management- History of waste management"
March 6 2009

Summary: This article provides information on waste management and why it is now so complex in this day in age.

This article topic is important to me because as one who produces waste it is important that I know what to do with it for it to remain safe. "Some waste materials are normally safe, but can become hazardous if not managed properly. For example, 1 gal (3.75 l) of used motor oil can potentially contaminate one million gallons (3,790,000 l) of drinking" Just a small spill or accident (putting something in the wrong place like down a sink) can have a major effect."On a larger scale, government agencies at the local, state, and federal levels enact and enforce regulations governing waste management." I feel this article is reliable because it has been copy writen by professional industries.

waste management

Title: "Waste management twin cities"

Summary: This article discusses the waste management programs around the world. It tells what there purpose is how it is effective.

They have to follow many rules and regulations that were created to help make the earth a cleaner and safer place."WM joins resources with regulatory commissions, communities, citizens and other companies to seek solutions together, because on its own WM can make a start—but together a difference can be made." The goal is to protect the environment and natural resources by sponsoring "Wildlife Forever", a national non-profit environmental education and conservation organization based in Minnesota. They also contribute to Earth Day activities and many other community clean-up events throughout the area. This is very important to me because these kinds of programs were designed for the health and well being of humans. This is a reliable source because it comes directly from the waste managment official site. They have a link to be contacted and are a proffesional organization.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

salmon at risk from pesticides

"Pesticides in Combination Shown to Increase Endangered Salmon Threat"
March 5, 2009

Source:the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Summary: A study by the Environmental Health Perspectives finds that pesticide combination's cause more harm to endangered salmon than individual pesticides do.

A collection of data was recorded to indicate which pestisides had harm on the fish. This doesn't affect me in the fact that I hate fish because they taste bad and smell even worse. But in the long run it does because it affects the food chain and it also indicates the pesticides that are bad for the fish are bad for the water and all others drinking the water. Pesticides would make it challenging for the species to recover and spread their eggs. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) released a plan for protecting Pacific salmon and steelhead from three toxins.
The impacts of pesticides on salmon were reviewed and a conclusion indicated that they jeopardize the existence of these fish.

85 pesticides banned in ontario

"New Canadian Regulations Prohibit 85 Lawn and Garden Pesticides"
March 4, 2009

source: The star Ontario

Summary: "The Ontario government is set to announce sweeping new regulations that will prohibit the use of 85 chemical substances, found in roughly 250 lawn and garden products, from use on neighborhood lawns."

The prohibiting of these products seems to be the last step in the act that was proposed. Its nice to know that something is actually taking action rather than just making a proposal. This may affect my because its banning cosmetic products. Things such as house cleaners that I may take advantage of now may stop selling. It is a good thing but it may take some adjusting depending on what products are banned I guess. Weed killers may also be banned resulting in unhealthy looking lawns in the neighborhood. (at least in Ontario as of now). "However, golf courses and sports fields remain exempt. The use of pesticides for public health safety (e.g. mosquito control) is also exempt." I found this to be interesting...sports teams can use pesticides but our lawns at home must use alternatives? Shouldn't sports fields be included they are still harmful. These actions will probably take place around mid April just in time for spring! I don't know how the government will be able to ban the use of these products in homes that currently have them though...It may take time to have an affect.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

soil pollution from pesticides

Title: a 50 year old farm bill
By: Wes Jackson and Wendell Berry
January 4th, 2009

Summary: This article provides information on soil and the effect that pesticides have had on it.

It is scary to think about because of points that were brought up regaurding the fact that soil is abused all the time yet it is nonrenuable and very valuable. It doesn't have any substitutes that are powerful or friendly to the environment. "This irremediable loss, never enough noticed, has been made worse by the huge monocultures and continuous soil-exposure of the agriculture we now practice." The agriculture has added pollutants in toxic chemicals that are now also present in the water. As people try to help the soil and plants, they are actually essentially harming it. "And with an increase in the use of perennial plants and grazing animals would come more employment opportunities in agriculture" To stop this we need to be sure that farmers are paid well for there healthier goods and that that national agricultural policy is looked into and enforces its laws. This could affect my life because I could be consuming plants that grew in toxic soil. It coudl also lead to soil erosion which would lead to poor farming which would lead to a lact of food being produced.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

airports fo green

"airports go green"
Posted by A. Caleb Hartley
February 17th, 2009

Summary: This article is all about different ways that airports are going green in areas of air quality, noise control, waste management, and water.

The goals of the water are to have a water conservation policy adopted, and to have a spill reduction training to reduces 25% of spills in the future. This is very good for the earth because less water will be wasted. Money will be saved and fresh water will be sustained. "General Environmental goals Every ACI-NA member airport will strive to have an environmental policy statement by 2010."This is also good for my family and many other people because then maybe airfare costs would reduce.

Ohio river pollution

"States Join E.P.A. Study of Pathogens in Ohio River"
Published: January 20, 2009

Summary: "Six states bordering the Ohio River are joining the Environmental Protection Agency in the largest study of its kind to identify and reduce dangerous levels of bacteria that plague the waterway."

About half of the ohio river is currently filled with pathogyns which can sicken swimmers and others that come into contact with the water. This is also very dangerous because many people get their supply of drinking water from this source. Thankfully research will be done to determine how much bacteria sewage treatment plant and factories and farms can safely discharge into the river. This will affect people in a beneficiary way because it will ensure that their water will be cleaner. I am not sure if it directly affects my family...I don't think our water comes into direct contact with the Ohio but I'm not educated on that information.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

global wamring 2

"Study Details How U.S. Could Cut 28% of Greenhouse Gases"
By: Matthew L. Wald
November 30, 2007

Summary: According to reports, the US could cut out as much as 28% of the ammount of greenhouse gases that are emitted.

This article discusses consumers carelessly use energy, which then emits gases into the atmosphere that could be modified. This is not just because people are careless, but also oblivious. "Rules for utilities could be rewritten so they make as much money in promoting conservation as in selling electricity, the study said." This idea impacts me because I am a consumer that contributes to the carbon littering. Things that i do daily without even thinking are contributing to global warming. In the future climate conferences may be held to discuss how we can help control these concepts and limit greenhouse gases.

Global warming

"Glaciers melting at twice the rate od previous decades"
By: Thomas Schueneman
February 5, 2009

Summary: Data indicates that glaciers have melted about 29 inches in the past few years, which indicates that they are melting twice as fast as they were in the 1980s and 90s. These numbers have exceeded recent predictions and but its the long-term trends that are true indicators of change.

This is an interesting concept because 20 inches does not seem like much but over time the number is much more impacting. For example 1 decade is equivalent to 200 inches and etc. This idea of global warming is a little bit frightening to me. Wether it is naturally occurring or humans activities are causing it, its beginning to make a noticeable difference. The glaciers have been around forever and they are slowly disappearing! This has an affect on me because as they melt, the ocean levels increase which absorbs heat and melts the glaciers even faster. Then the earth may over heat and humans can not withstand a variation in temperature.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

walmart goes green

January 24, 2009

Summary: Wallmart has began to sell many products that are Eco friendly and that are affordable.

"For decades, many consumers felt that going green was a luxury, too, reserved primarily for those with enough money — and time on their hands — to buy groceries at natural food stores and organic clothing from specialty retailers." About 200 million customers buy flourescent light bulbs that use about 75% less electricity than a regular light bulb. They also sell things that use less packaging or less energy in ohter ways aswell. After this took place walmarts bussiness began to rise. I think its awesome that energy efficiant items are now becoming more available to the average working class familes. This source seems pretty reliable because it has solid statistics and dates. It also has information given directly from walmart executives.

Energy round 2

"Big Boost to Alternative Energy, Clean Tech If Obama Stimulus Passes Senate"

January 30,2009

By AndrewBurger

Summary: President Obama has come up with a plan that will create jobs and hopefully result in a doubling of US renewable energy output.

"Half-a-billion dollars worth of tax incentives, loan guarantees, deployment and research funding is slated to spur development of wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable energy resources. A total $25 billion is to be invested to put manufacturing workers into “green” sector jobs that would boost the economy and strengthen energy and national security while at the same time enhancing environmental protection and efforts to adapt to and mitigate climate change." This idea could have many benefits to my family and I because it will have both short and long term positive effects. This is because it will lower carbon pollutions and help with energy efficiency. It’s also estimated that this would create more than 41,000 jobs. This blog seems rather reliable because it is based off of facts that the president has planned out. Its not on opinions and its a widely known topic.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

alternative energy 2

"Many States Implementing Solar Energy Projects"

By: Angelique van Engelen

January 16, 2009

Summary: This article is about a project in which a company will install solar panels on 425 homes in a $50 million project. "The company will generate enough energy to power 1,300 houses." It will provide a good idea for what to expect in the future for solar power and its positive and negative attributes.

This article provides information on projects that are currently underway involving solar energy pannels on homes. Edison has planned to be the United States largerts soloar provider. They currently rent "607,000 square feet of ProLogis’ roof space in the Californian town of Fontana. Output will be produce 2.2 megawatts, enough for up to 1,426 households. Edison has plans to generate 250 MW of solar energy in around five years’ time." This is exciting news! I feel that my family along with many families will benifit from the trial. It will allow scientists and technitions to fix the tweaks of the system. Hopefully the solar power will become a main source of energy, reducing the amount of natural recourses that we are over using. With companies working at such rapid paces, the system might be effective very soon. "The main selling point of the panels is that they’re going to be professionally managed. That’s a great way of reducing your carbon footprint." I think this article is very practical and reliable because their are many examples of projects and solid statistics.

alternative energy

"Algae Farming In The Face Of The Oil Price Situation - Still a Viable Alternative Fuel Source?" By: Angeleique van Engelen
on January 21, 2009

Summary of blog: This article is about a project that uses algae to clean the air of CO2 and other pollutants. The algae grows very quickly and can be made into a liquid fuel eventually aswell. The algae may also be a way to "get ride" carbon dioxide by allowing it to be buried underground.

I think this idea of an alternative fuel is very creative. It has multiple aspects that could be benificial such as having a place to store pollutants and provide an alternative fuel. Nevertheless it is thought to be quite expensive, much more than regualar oil is now. Ranging between 18-30 dollars PER gallon compared to the 2 dollars that it is now with oil. It is also untested so is could be subjected to harming the envirment just aswell. The competition for an alternative energy source will be to the consumers advantage. I would personally benifit from this project in the sense that the atmosphere may get cleaned up but i would never be able to afford it. This article is not that reliable because it it a very new subject and has not been tested anywhere. More research needs to be conducted on it or in different areas than one.